John and Margaret are my GGGGG grandparents:
Information provided by: Anthony Brown(tonybrow@westnet.com.au), Australia
John Ainscough of Mawdesley,(1752-14 June 1835, Mawdesley) married Margaret Worthington of Lytham, (5 Oct 1751-Jan 1835, Mawdesley) on 15 Nov 1775
MARRIAGE: http://www.lan-opc.org.uk/Croston/
Marriage: 15 Nov 1775 St Michael and All Angels, Croston, Lancashire, England
John Ainscough - Husbandman of This Parish
Margt. Worthington - (X), Spinster of This Parish
Witness: William Rutter; James Smith
Married by Licence by: Thos. Lowe A: B
Register: Marriages 1767 - 1789, Page 80, Entry 299
Source: LDS Film 93713
7 children made it to adulthood, there were at least 8 children and probably more.....see information below;
1. Elizabeth - (31 Aug 1776- Feb 1816 Croston, Lancashire, England)
Betty (Elizabeth) Ainscough is not listed on the 1841 and 1851 census. Going back to her father (John A's) will, Betty was deceased before 1835. From the will we do know she had children.
In her father's will of 14 June 1835 it states "one seventh equally among the children of my late daughter Betty Ainscough deceased".
Details about death:
Burial: 4 Feb 1816 St. Michael and All Angels, Croston, Lancashire, England
Elizabeth Ainscough
Age: 39
Abode: Mawdesley
Buried by: G. Parkin Curate
LDS Film 93713 Register: Burial 1813 - 1833, Page 33, Entry 262
Elizabeth married Richard Ainscough in 1795 (http://www.lan-opc.org.uk/Croston/). A witness was Richard Ainscough, probably her brother.
(From: http://www.lan-opc.org.uk/Croston/)
Marriage: 8 Sep 1795 St Michael and All Angels, Croston, Lancashire, England
Richard Ainscough (Cir 1773-Cir 1842) - (X), Cordwainer of This Parish
Elizabeth Ainscough - (X), Spinster of This Parish
Witness: William Eden; Richard Ainscough
Banns Read: 23 Aug 1795, 2nd: 30 Aug 1795, 3rd: 6 Sep 1795
Married by Banns by: Streynsham Master
Register: Marriages 1789 - 1812, Page 55, Entry 217
Source: LDS Film 93713
2. James (c1778-?)
*** GGGGgrandad
3. Thomas (1780 - 31 Dec 1861), Mawdesley, Lancashire, buried Jan 1862 married Elizabeth (Betty) WHITEHEAD (1796-1879)on 17 May 1819 - Croston, Lancashire
(From: http://www.lan-opc.org.uk/Croston/)
Marriage: 17 May 1819 St Michael and All Angels, Croston, Lancashire, England
Thomas Ainscough - (X), Husbandman of This Parish
Betty Whitehead - (X), Spinster of This Parish
Witness: Thos. Bimson; Lauce. Farington
Married by License by: G. Parkin Curate
Register: Marriages 1813 - 1824, Page 85, Entry 253
Source: LDS Film 93713
4. Margaret - (4 Feb 1782 -Bef 14 Jun 1835 & buried Croston, Lancashire), married Robert GORTLY (Abt 1780- ? )
Margaret (Ainscough) Gortley was also deceased before 1835, according to father's will. I was unable to find her marriage or burial records. In her father's will of 14 June 1835 it states "one seventh equally amongst the children of my late daughter Margaret Gortley deceased. "
5. Ann (Nancy) (1784 - 1851), married Robert Alty on 3 Apr 1815 - Croston, Lancashire, England - see blog
(From: http://www.lan-opc.org.uk/Croston/)
Marriage: 3 Apr 1815 St Michael and All Angels, Croston, Lancashire, England
Robert Alty - Farmer of This Parish
Ann Ainscough - (X), Spinster of This Parish
Witness: Robert Gorton; Lauce. Farington
Married by License by: G. Parkin Curate
Notes: Consent of Parents
Register: Marriages 1813 - 1824, Page 32, Entry 96
Source: LDS Film 93713
The witness on Nancy (Ainscough)Alty's death record was possibly Thomas's wife, Betty Ainscough or maybe a cousin or friend?
6. Richard - (1787 - 24 Dec 1849)Mawdesley, Lancashire
I think we can safely assume that Richard did not have or intend to have any children because of what is written in his father's will of 1835:
"estate called "Rutters"....in Mawdesley....to my son Richard and after his decease to my Grandson John Ainscough the son of John & Margaret"
7. Jane - (1789 - Jul 28 1794) Croston - died of smallpox age 6 - see notes below
8. John - (Cir 1794-21 Feb 1872) Mawdesley, Lancashire, married Margaret WIGNALL (Abt 1797-1860) in 1818, Croston, Lancashire
(From: http://www.lan-opc.org.uk/Croston/)
Marriage: 21 Jun 1818 St Michael and All Angels, Croston, Lancashire, England
John Ainscough - Husbandman of This Parish
Margaret Wignall - (X), Spinster of This Parish
Witness: Robert Alty; Lauce. Farington
Married by License by: G. Parkin Curate
Notes: Consent of Parents
Register: Marriages 1813 - 1824, Page 75, Entry 225
Source: LDS Film 93713
1. Jane died aged 6 of small pox. The following information can be found at:http://www.lan-opc.org.uk/Croston/
Burial: 30 Jul 1794 St Michael's & All Angels, Croston, Lancashire, England
Jane Ainscoughs - Daughter of John Ainscoughs & Margt.
Died: Jul 28 1794
Age: 6
Abode: Mawdesley
Cause of Death: Small Pox
Notes: Buried on the south side of the Church yard
Register: Burials 1792 - 1812, Page 17, Entry 38
Taken from: http://www.lan-opc.org.uk/Croston/
2. Not sure whether this is James (born 1778), brother of Thomas, but they do have another child named James (also born 1778 - possible??) who makes adulthood - if anybody can provide evidence to support it I'd love to hear from you????
Burial: 29 Aug 1784 St Michael and All Angels, Croston, Lancashire, England
James Ainscough - Son of John Ainscough & Margt.
Died: Aug 27 1784
Age: 6
Abode: Mawdesley
Cause of Death: Small Pox
Notes: Buried on the south side of the Church yard
Register: Burials 1783 - 1791, Page 23, Entry 5
Source: LDS Film 93713
3. And also the record of a still born child:
Burial: 22 Mar 1786 St Michael and All Angels, Croston, Lancashire, England
Still born Ainscough - Daughter of John Ainscough & Margt.
Age: 0
Abode: Mawdesley
Notes: Buried on the east end of the Church yard
Register: Burials 1783 - 1791, Page 42, Entry 6
Source: LDS Film 93713
Thomas Worthington's Will mentions John Ainscoe and daughter Margaret:
The information about the Will below was provided by: Hilary Draper (hilary@mpb.org), Bury, UK and Nancy Englehardt from Rhode Island, USA (nengel5@cox.net),
Will of Thomas Worthington of Warton (nr. Preston) 16 Apr 1799
"To daughter Jenny 1 feather bed, bolster, bed clothes, bedsteads, and furniture and £200.
To Peter Brown of Warton yeo. and son Robert Worthington all household goods cattle money etc also the messuage and tenement in Warton, they are to sell everything and divide equally between sons Thomas and Robert and daughters Margaret (wife of John Ainscoe of Mawdesley) Mary and Ellen.
For daughters Mary and Ellen, £5 each to go to their oldest sons Edward and James at the age of 21.
Executors were Peter Brown, Robert Worthington and Jenny Worthington.
Proved 23 Jul 1799, £600"
Also the will of Thomas's son Robert: (Thomas being Margaret Worthington's father and Robert her brother):
Will of Robert Worthington of Cottam
"Will made 4 Oct 1840. Trustees and executors to be:
John Sumner , Goosnargh, farmer
John Knowles, Preston, corn merchant
Rd. Pilkington, Preston, Gent.
All his property etc to be sold and £100 to nephew John Worthington, and £100 to niece Ann known as Nancy, wife of Robert Alty.
Rest of money from sale of property to be divided into 3 equal parts:
1/3 in trust for children of brother Thos Worthington
1/3 in trust for children of late sister Mary Tyrer afterwards Mary Almond
1/3 in trust for children of late sister MARGARET AINSCOW.
Died 6 Oct 1840 probate 14 Nov 1840 amount under £800 to J Knowles, P Pilkington, surviving executors."
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -All information provided by: Anthony Brown(tonybrow@westnet.com.au), Austrailia
1767 Returns of Papist's Dioc Chester 15/15yrs Mawdesley
15 April 1781 beneficiary in will of father James Ainscough
The will of John Ainscough 14 June 1835:
14 June 1835 Will was signed. leaving ...estate called "Ainscough"...situate at Mawdesley....to my son Thomas. his heirs & assigns for ever ...estate called "Rutters"....in Mawdesley....to my son Richard and after his decease to my Grandson John Ainscough the son of John & Margaret Ainscough. ....estate called.....Wrennals"....to my son John Ainscough ....to my granddaughter Betty Gortly £100. ....to my grandson Henry Alty...£40. ....to my grandson Hugh Alty...£40.
Divide the residue into seven equal parts................. one seventh to my son Thomas Ainscough one seventh to my son Richard Ainscough one seventh to my son John Ainscough one seventh to my son James Ainscough one seventh to my daughter Nancy Alty one seventh equally among the children of my late daughter Betty Ainscough deceased one seventh equally amongst the children of my late daughter Margaret Gortley deceased.
14 June 1835 died.
18 July 1835 Probate granted
On 26 Oct 2007, at 22:55, nancy wrote:
Hi Barbara,
I also had that death of James 1778, son of John Ainscough and Margaret, in my research notes for the James born 1778. It looks like their first son James died and they had another son named James.....birth date unknown. When their daughter Jane died 1794 she was buried in the same churchyard. James died 27 Aug 1784, so was before Jane.
According to John Ainscough's will 1835, he seems to name his male children in order of birth.
"Divide the residue into seven equal parts................. One seventh to my son Thomas Ainscough one seventh to my son Richard Ainscough one seventh to my son John Ainscough one seventh to my son James Ainscough one seventh to my daughter Nancy Alty one seventh equally among the children of my late daughter Betty Ainscough deceased one seventh equally amongst the children of my late daughter Margaret Gortley deceased."
This is the only part of the will James is mentioned, where Thomas, Richard, and John inherited different estates along with the above. They were named in order also.
If he did name his male children in order of birth, then it looks like the 2nd James would be born after son John 1794. I have no other evidence for this James other than he was living at time of his father's death.
Hilary Draper adds " My interest lies more with the Worthington side of the family, as Thomas Worthington is my 5x gt grandfather. So we will be related albeit distantly!"
From Hilary Draper: "From the will I found the baptisms of all Thomas's children therein named apart from Ellen at St Cuthbert, in Lytham (where coincidentally I was born and brought up!) I then traced John Ainscough's marriage to Margaret W at Croston but I only managed to find the baptisms of children Betty and Margaret Ainscough at Croston. From the will we know that the Ainscoughs were in Mawdesley in 1799 but I don't know anything more about their whereabouts after that or where they were buried. I have a copy of Thomas's will and will gladly scan it for you if you would like a copy. I'm not too sure at the moment without looking through my files if I actually have a copy of Robert's will or not.
I was sent the Alty information by Nancy Englehardt of Narrangassett, Rhode Island, her ggg grandparents are Robert Alty and Ann Ainscough. It is some time since our correspondence so I don't know if this email is still current but I'm sure she would like to hear from you.
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