Image taken from:
"Barbara - I have been looking at your Ainscough web-site with great interest.
I am currently trying to research my line of Ainscough's, I and am wondering if there is a connection with yours. Judging by the names, I think there could be.
My 5*Gt grandfather was Thomas Ainscough (b. 1790, North Meols [Southport]). His parents were Hugh and Jane Ainscough, from N. Meols parish records. Jane Rymer was his second wife as their marriage entry says he was a widower at the time. His first wife was a Betty, maiden name unknown, I cannot find their marriage. Hugh died March 1820, at the age of 79, giving a year of birth of 1740/41. Altogether, he had 9 children, 4 (four!) Thomas'es, Richard, James, William, Margaret and Ellen. In the extended family in general, there are quite a few Hughs, Thomases and Richards.
Considering he named four of his children Thomas, it made me wonder if his father was Thomas(?).
This Hugh did not originate from Southport. It seems he moved there around 1767, already married to Betty. Their first son, Thomas, was christened there in 1768.
When I began to search for other Thomas and Hugh Ainscoughs, I came across the family in Mawdesley, father Hugh, with children Elizabeth, James, Ann, Thomas, Mary and Richard. This then led me to your website.
Do you know of a Hugh Ainscough born around 1740/41, who was possibly married to a Betty/Elizabeth? Could they be connected to the Mawdesley Ainscough family, considering Hugh and Thomas and Richard have continued to be used in the family?
I would welcome anything you know, or think about this hypothesis. I would be happy to share everything I have on my Ainscough family.
Andrew Scarisbrick"
Jonathon Hopper (my 2nd cousin) replies;
In the Gedcom I have an unknown firstname Ainscough, about 1740 birth, between a Thomas (b c 1715) and a Hugh (son - born c 1765). Name of wife unknown... These could be the Hugh/Betty listed below...
This is the link to the Parbold Ainscoughs........
This 'unknown' could be a Hugh......but according to the note below, no son Hugh for the Hugh/Betty family...so definitely possible but needs more information to be convincing.....Parish records might show the marriage for Hugh and Betty - that would show where they originated... The next thing to check would be between say 1758 and 1767... If they were in Croston records then this is a good clue!
REPLY -December 8th 2006
Hi Andrew
Just thinking some more.......see my blog of September 8th: Elizabeth A daughter of John and Margaret marries a Richard Ainscough!!!! & Richard her brother is witness.......which eliminates her marrying her brother at least.
Im not sure who Richards parents were....from our tree I cannot see that he is a 1st cousin, so there must have been another Ainscough family living in Mawdesley - notice the records from Croston though....could this be a Sacrisbrick link??
John AINSCOUGH (1752-1835) m Margaret WORTHINGTON (1751-1835)
John and Margaret are my GGGGG grandparents:
Information provided by: Anthony Brown(tonybrow@westnet.com.au), Austrailia
John Ainscough (Mawdesley,1752- Mawdesley,14 June1835) married Margaret Worthington (Lytham, 5 Oct 1751- Mawdesley, Jan1835) on 15 Nov 1775
MARRIAGE: http://www.lan-opc.org.uk/Croston/
Marriage: 15 Nov 1775 St Michael and All Angels, Croston, Lancashire, England
John Ainscough - Husbandman of This Parish
Margt. Worthington - (X), Spinster of This Parish
Witness: William Rutter; James Smith
Married by Licence by: Thos. Lowe A: B
Register: Marriages 1767 - 1789, Page 80, Entry 299
Source: LDS Film 93713
7 children made it to adulthood, there were at least 8 children and probably more.....see information below;
1. Elizabeth - 31 Aug 1776 Croston, Lancashire, England - died Feb 1816
Betty (Elizabeth) Ainscough is not listed on the 1841 and 1851 census. Going back to her father (John A's) will, Betty was deceased before 1835. From the will we do know she had children.
In her father's will of 14 June 1835 it states " one seventh equally among the children of my late daughter Betty Ainscough deceased".
Details about death:
Burial: 4 Feb 1816 St. Michael and All Angels, Croston, Lancashire, England
Elizabeth Ainscough
Age: 39
Abode: Mawdesley
Buried by: G. Parkin Curate
LDS Film 93713 Register: Burial 1813 - 1833, Page 33, Entry 262
Elizabeth married Richard Ainscough in 1795 (http://www.lan-opc.org.uk/Croston/). A witness was Richard Ainscough, probably her brother.
(From: http://www.lan-opc.org.uk/Croston/)
Marriage: 8 Sep 1795 St Michael and All Angels, Croston, Lancashire, England
Richard Ainscough (Cir 1773-Cir 1842) - (X), Cordwainer of This Parish
Elizabeth Ainscough - (X), Spinster of This Parish
Witness: William Eden; Richard Ainscough
Banns Read: 23 Aug 1795, 2nd: 30 Aug 1795, 3rd: 6 Sep 1795
Married by Banns by: Streynsham Master
Register: Marriages 1789 - 1812, Page 55, Entry 217
Source: LDS Film 93713
2. James - about 1778 - after 1843, marries Jane Sergeant (Abt 1798- ? ) - 4 Sep 1826 - Bolton-Le-Moors, Lancashire, England *** GGGGgrandad
REPLY - December 12th 06
Hi Barbara.
Thanks for all that info. It will take a little while to collate it. Regarding the Richard Ainscough who married your Elizabeth Ainscough. I have found their baptisms in Rufford Parish Records, viz.
Jane 1795
James 1798
Mary 1800
Margaret 1803
James 1805
Nancy 1808
John 1811
These records are good as they give the father of Elizabeth as John Ainscough. Have you seen these in Croston Parish Records? Richd. Ainscough, born 13/8/1772, chr. 30/8/1772, son of James and Mary Ainscough and Marriage: James Ainscough to Mary Disley, 30/1/1770
Could this be the Richard who married Elizabeth? It seems likely, following the naming of their children. The James in question would be born approx. 1745. I am not sure of any link with the Southport/Scarisbrick line. He can't, as you say, be the brother of John, but could he be a cousin? A son of either Thomas (b. 1715) or Richard (b. 1720)?
When I was looking through the M.I.s of Croston church in Preston records office, I found four graves containing Ainscoughs. (I thought there should have been more, but maybe the older ones were not recorded). These were all of one family (parents and children and one grandson), the father being Hugh Ainscough (b. 1835). Interestingly enough, this Hugh is from my North Meols line, the son of Thomas Ainscough (b. 1806) and Betty, Thomas being the grandson of Hugh Aiscough (d. 1820). Another interesting coincidence (?). Attached are the transcribed Wills I promised.
1 comment:
I am doing research for my university thesis, thanks for your excellent points, now I am acting on a sudden impulse.
- Laura
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