Great to hear from another of my long lost cousins (there's a million of them so its easy to lose them!). Catherine (catlaycock@yahoo.com) writes:
Hi Barbara
I am Catherine Laycock your cousin (nee Robinson Auntie Cath's eldest daughter) not sure if you would remember me except that I was the gangly awkward teenager in one of your pics!
Thanks for the work that you have put into the Ainscough family tree it is fascinating and I have spent many an hour browsing your pics and facts and have been able to show my son; Sam a real picture of his heritage; without your work I would never have been able to maintain his interest longer than a few minutes!
I hope that you do not mind but I have copied some of your pics, in particular the one of grandma and grandad on the garden bench giggling and this pic now graces all our
homes! I love the fact that they look so in love!
Thanks again
Catherine xx
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