Images provided by Peter Ainscough (dad).
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Fr. Henry Ainscough (1864-1946), an army chaplain in the Boer War was my great, great uncle. He was the 3rd youngest son of Hugh and Ellen (Cowley)Ainscough, who had 8 sons and 6 daughters. Brother to Thomas Ainscough (1846-1929) my GG grandad.
-His birth is registered as March Q 1864 Preston 8e 543.
-On 3 April 1871 living at the Old Oak Inn Alston, (Henry Ainscough Son Unm 8 Scholar b Lancs Alston), where Hugh was Landlord for just 2 years before his death.
-3 Apr 1881 St. Edward Roman Catholic College St. Domingo Rd. Everton, Lan Eng Henry Ainscough Scholar 17 M bn Alston LanEng
-1889 Ordained a priest then posted to St. Josephs Liverpool & . St.Alexanders Bootle.
-31 March 1891, 8 Grosvenor St. Liverpool, Henry Ainscough, Curate S 29 RC Priest bn Lan
-Army Chaplain during Boer War. -(which was fought from October 1899 to May 1902 in Orange Free State and Transvaal)
1901 Boer War ????
1903 Parish Priest of St. Pauls, Burtonwood.
1916 Parish Priest of St. Peters, Woolton.
1938-1946 Retired to Mawdesley, lived next door to Elfreda Woolrich's mother (Audrey Agnes Gartland nee Cowley 257)
28 Aug 1946 Buried at Ss Peter & Pauls Cemetery, Mawdesley.
In 1881 St Edward Roman Catholic College St Domingo Rd, Everton, Lancashire, England.
Not found in later Censuses
Died August 26th 1946 age 82 years,
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