Well, Friday 20th July proved to be a busy day with 2 Ainscough email queries, both of them are infact part of our much extended Ainscough family. One from Ann Reynolds (see previous entry), the other from Lorraine C in Perth, Australia.
Lorraine's father still lives in Mawdesley, now 80 years old, his mother was Annie Ainscough of Mawdseley. Lorraine offers the following information:
"Hello Barbara,
I read with interest the page on the Ainscough family in Mawdesley. I looked up the 1901 census to find my grandmother , Annie Ainscough, who was seven at the time. She was living in Aspull near Wigan with her family, her mother had died and she had three older brothers: Thomas aged 13, James aged 11, John aged 9 and Annie. Her father is named as John Ainscough and 44 in 1901. He was a coal miner and is shown as being born in Mawdesley. So he must have been born in 1857.
Annie went to live in Brooklyn, New York in her teenage years with relatives after her mother died, but she returned to Aspull and married my grandfather in 1920 I believe. She married Michael. She had six surviving children who grew up in this area : James, Peter, Irene, John, Fred and Thomas.
Annie died very young in the 1930's leaving a very young family. My father remembers how popular she was and how the family would receive presents from her family in New York. I have her name as my middle name.
My father and siblings still live in the area and would love to know more on the Ainscough family from Mawdesley where their grandfather was born. My father remembers two of his uncles living with them when he was a boy.
I now live in Perth, Western Australia but I will be visiting Lancashire later in the year. If you can make any connections Barbara, I would be very grateful. Thank you for your time.
Lorraine, I'm pleased to say that the good news is we are related - so welcome cousin! I think we are 4th cousins once removed....I have attached an image to show you your family line. Annie's father was John Ainscough b.22 March 1857, one of 9 children. Annie's grandparents were Ellen (Eastham) b1821-1886 & John Ainscough b.1820-1885 and Great grandparents were Thomas Ainscough & Betty (Whitehead), also my direct line. Which makes Annie's grandad John Ainscough b.1820 brother to my GGG grandad Hugh Ainscough b.1822-1882 m. Ellen (Cowley).
On my blog I have the following info. - see archive March 27th 2007 Ainscough burials - http://ainscough-familyhistory.blogspot.com/ - also images of John (1820- 21.3.1885) & Ellen (Eastham) (1822- 8th June 1863) gravestone.
John (1820- 21.3.1885) m Ellen (Eastham) (1822- 8th June 1863). Son of Thomas & Betty my GGGG grandparents.
This should help you for now with our Ainscough family info. dating back to 1558, thanks to Anthony Brown, Aus who has done most of the research over the past 20yrs. All I do is make it available online! Let me know when you are over in Lancs. although I live in Yorkshire my sister is in Ormskirk. Im not sure if you are aware but there are many other Ainscoughs & decendants of Ainscough in Perth, Aus you might like to contact them too - namely:
Anthony Brown (who has done all of the research) - 2nd cousin
Ed Ainscough (we share the same GGG grandad - Hugh Ainscough & Ellen Cowley)
Richard Harris (we share the same GGG grandad - Hugh Ainscough & Ellen Cowley)
As mentioned, if you have any old photos, of Mawdesley or surrounding area, family members, census or Will info. that you would be willing to share on the blog please send it to me- scans, jpgs or pdfs are easiest to manage.
You might find it helpful to download "barbara's_treeblog pdf" from the black box widget on the right to see our relationship more easily.
On 22 Jul 2007, at 04:43,Lorraine Carpenter wrote:
"Dear Barbara
Thank you for the wonderful news on our shared relatives and ancestry. My Dad will be thrilled to find out about his mother's family as she died when he was so young, leaving six children, so he didn't get to find out about her family. I have enjoyed reading your web site, what a huge amount of research!! Fantastic!
I intend to surprise my dad with this news when I visit later in the year. We'll have a trip to Mawdesley and Parbold and the grave sites.
Thanks for letting Perth relatives know too! It's good to have an even stronger connection with Lancashire now as all my other realtives are of Irish stock. I am a proud Lancashire lass!!
Many thanks again
1 comment:
Good to hear of another Ainscough descendent living in Perth, WA - must be that we ex-Lancastrians appreciate the beautiful Perth weather. Barabara's done a great job of setting up this website and briunging together the living realtives of the early Mawdesley Ainscoughs, and showing where we all come from - including our famous ancestors such as Isaac Newton (maybe!!). Happy to catch up - we live in Willetton email: harrisrichard@westnet.com.au. Cheers, Richard
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