The full trees (pdf)and the Will translation (.doc) can be downloaded from the black box area on the right.
Julia Caunce (cauncej@hotkey.net.au) has been in touch regarding a link to a Hugh Ainscough b. 1740. I think this is more likely to be one of the Ainscoughs linked to the Scarisbrick tree. Thanks to Andrew Scarisbrick once again for confirming this. The really strange part about all of this is that this Hugh Ainscough b.1740 owned a part share of the Eagle and Child pub in Ormskirk, which is once again also owned by an Ainscough today (from the Parbold line)!!!!
Talk about keeping it in the family?
On 30 May 2008, at 03:22, Caunce J wrote:
Hi Barbara,
I have found a connection with your tree through Hugh Ainscough (b circa 1760), grandson of Hugh. He married Jane and had a son Thomas (1790 - 1869) who became a bailiff and died at Scarisbrick. Thomas had 7 children, among them Jane who was the great grandmother of my husband, Neil Caunce. I would be happy to share any information I have for this family if you are interested.
Julia Caunce
On 30 May 2008, at 14:49, Barbara Ainscough wrote:
Just checked...I do have a Hugh b. c 1760 - the liquor merchant but he never married!!......hmm. Shall have to go back to the Hugh Ainscoughs that Andrew Scarisbrick researched to find out who your Hugh is.
see detail here.......
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
On 2 Jun 2008, at 21:52, Andrew Scarisbrick wrote:
Hi Barbara and Julia.
Yes, the Caunce connection does fit into my Ainscough family.
I have a Jane Ainscough (b. 1847, Scarisbrick) who married a James Caunce in 1868. Is this your family Julia?
Jane was the daughter of Robert Fairclough Ainscough and Alice (maiden name as yet unknown), and Robert was the son of Thomas Ainscough and Ann Fairclough. Thomas (b. 1790) was the son of Hugh Ainscough (~1740-1820) and Jane Rimmer (1752-1828).
Another interesting coincidence, Barbara. Your very Gt Gt uncle, Hugh Ainscough b.1760 of Ormskirk, was a liquor merchant
My ancestor, Hugh (b. 1740) owned a part share of the Eagle and Child pub in Ormskirk. Could this mean they may have known each other? One buying drink off the other?
I hope this helps you Julia. If you are interested, I can send you family trees for this Ainscough family, including the Caunce connection.
Best Regards,
On 3 Jun 2008, at 13:07, Andrew Scarisbrick wrote:
Hi Barbara
here are the pertinent family trees for my early Ainscoughs, and the branch which contains the Caunces. Also attached is the Will of my Hugh Ainscough (~1740-1820), whi
I am also Ccing copies to Julia, so you can see where I fit into the Aiscough's, Julia and if this is your Caunce branch.
On 12 Jun 2008, at 02:36, Caunce J wrote:
Hi Andrew and Barbara
Thankyou Andy and Barbara so much for your information. I see that I will have a busy time updating and checking my files.
I have attached files that show we have the right connection. I have Robert Ainscough marrying Alice Ashcroft and Thomas Ainscough marrying Ann Fairclough after Robert was born.
Ann's parents were George Fairclough (bp1761-?) m 20 May 1783, North Meols Elizabeth Blundell (bp1757 -?).
Grandparents were Thomas Fairclough and Jennet Gill m.24 Jan 1758 North Meols and George Fairclough (bp 4 Jan 1761 N Meols) m. 20 May 1783 N Meols Elizabeth Blundell (bp. 30 Oct 1757 N Meols). Elizabeth was the daughter (I think) of John Blundell and Alice. I have not done a lot on this family for a couple of years and since I have moved recently there could still be stuff to add that I have not yet unpacked.
I apologise for the delay in this. I have been in Canberra for a few days but have now returned to sunny Queensland and lots and lots of emails to answer.
On 15 Jun 2008, at 20:56, Andrew Scarisbrick wrote:
Hi Julia
Thank you very much for the information you passed on, it was very useful, including Robert Ainscough's marriage to Alice Ashcroft.
I was very interested about John, the son of Thomas Ainscough (1790), that you had, from Thomas' Will. This has proven a theory of mine, because I have known about a John Ainscough, but couldn't until now, prove that he was the son of Thomas 1790.
In Scarisbrick in 1841, there is a John Ainscough with his wife Jane living just down the road, less than a mile, from Thomas, at Ainscough's Lodge. I know exactly where this was, if you are interested. In 1851, John and Jane are living at Bootle, with some of his children given as born at Scarisbrick. He had died by 1861, and I think his widow, Jane, was living in Burscough.
John was 40 in 1851, so he was born around 1811. Strangely, his place of birth is given as Croston. There is a baptism of a John Ainscough at North Meols, 27th December 1812, son of Thomas and Ellen, of Churchtown; and in Ormskirk, there is a marriage of a Thomas Ainscough to an Ellen Shaw, 22nd December 1811. So this is the John in question. His place of birth as Croston has always puzzled me, though. Could it be a misspelling of Crossens? Which is next to Churchtown.
What I hadn't known was if John's father was our Thomas Ainscough (1790). I haven't seen Thomas's Will, but if it says he had a deceased son John, then I think this would prove he is the father of this John.
Would it be at all possible, if you don't mind, for you to pass on a copy of his Will to me?
I am attaching copies of corrected versions of the necessary family trees again.
Thank you,