On 20 May 2009, at 17:50, Shauna Frey (freys@tcd.ie) wrote:
Hi Barbara,
My name is Shauna Frey and I live in Dublin, Ireland. I stumbled across your site while looking up a site for my grandmother over the weekend.
I see on the Ainscough Family Tree extending from Hugh Ainscough that you reach Francis John Ainscough, eldest son of John and Martha Ainscough, and then the trail ends. He was my great grandfather. He married Evelyn Ashcroft and had Susan Ainscough, Ann Ainscough (my grandmother), Mary Ainscough and John Ainscough (who you site in your Tree having died in 1974) and is buried in the grounds of the church). I do know that my grandmother's cousins and their children live here in Dublin as well, I just dont know which sibling of Francis' they belong to. If you need any other information, please let me know - I would be happy to help where possible. Please let me know that you received this mail, thanks!