Can you help Fr Malcolm raise money for his church? Read on.....
On 16 Mar 2009, at 20:13, Malcolm Ainscough wrote:
Dear Barbara Ainscough
I wonder if you might spare a moment to assist me. I am the Rector of a Church of England parish in Chesterfield, Derbyshire and as part of a fund raising event have set myself the challenge of finding just 20 people with the surname of Ainscough who do not believe they are related. If you are able to help it won't cost you anything but a few minutes of your time.
All I ask is that you email me letting me know if, like most people with our surname, which is rather unusual, your family traces back to Lancashire. Also if you do not think that you are directly related to the people I have listed. I have no interest in family trees.
So far I have elicited fascinating responses from a Malcolm Ainscough (with an identical first and surname to mine) who is from Zimbabwe, and living in Johannesburg whose father originated from N.W.England. Julia Ainscough who is a professional musician in the south of England but whose family also originate from Lancashire with association with the catholic church in Parbold. Becky Ainscough in SW England through her mother Sue, living in the same region - she has not voluteered any other information. Professor E.Ainscough, an Australian living in New Zealand. Quite a wide variety of people!
For every Ainscough I can trace who is not directly related to another I have promised my church a donation.
To verify I am genuine please look at St Pauls Hasland my church website.
I look forward to your response.
With every blessing.
Fr. Malcolm Ainscough
On 17 Mar 2009, at 10:11, barbara ainscough wrote:
Hi there
Lovely to hear from you - I think Julie Ainscough (musician) and I are from the same Ainscough line- we originate in Mawdesley/ Ormskirk- Lancs, a strong Catholic background with links to Parbold and Father Anthony Ainscough prior of Ampleforth - Ive never met her though I believe her grandfather and mine were brothers (2nd cousins)! Does that link count?? It was looking into family history that revealed this connection.
I do have a family history website (I know you are not interested in FH), but if you scan some of the blog entries I always include a persons email address and you can get in touch with Ainscoughs not related...quite simple hey? Plenty there from Australia, Denmark, Ireland, Canada and the UK. I tend to mention in the first line or so if they are directly related.
ainscough-family history
I hope this helps....any questions get back to me and Good Luck!
BTW I now live in the East Riding of Yorkshire.
On 17 Mar 2009, at 12:37, Malcolm Ainscough wrote:
Thanks for your reply. It will be really helpful to me in my quest! The idea is for as many of the people at church to set themselves to do 20 things they haven't done before, each with the same theme. Some are promising to do 20 walks, others 20 books and so forth. Each time one of the 20 is achieved they are to place a donation into a box, and in November we are holding a social and sharing what we have done.
Having now 5 positive replies, with your kind help I think I stand a better chance of another 15!
Fr. Malcolm