On 1 Feb 2009, at 19:27, Keith Whitehead (keith_whitehead@blueyonder.co.uk) wrote:
Hi Barbara
A Google search lead me to your blog...We may be very distantly related !! I have an ancestor, Richard Whitehead who may have been the brother of your GGGGGodknows how many times-grand mother!! Your Betty Whitehead was married in 1819. One year prior to this, a Betty Whitehead had a child. Is this the same Betty?? i.e. your Betty?
Keith Whitehead
barbara ainscough wrote:
Hi Keith
great to hear from you....it certainly looks as though this could be possible from the info I have.
Thomas Ainscough married Elizabeth (Betty) Whitehead (1797-1879)from Downholland, Lancs. on 17th May 1819; records can be found at Croston, Lancs. Thomas and Betty had 5 children. Their 2nd eldest son, Hugh 1822-1882 was my GGG grandfather- see blog 15th September 2006. Betty died 10th April 1879 and Thomas died 31st December 1861, both can be found on the same gravestone in St Peter and St Paul RC Cemetery, Mawdesley - see the blog link above. I am really interested in finding out more about Betty's parents (my 4 x grandmother).....I didnt know she had a child before getting married though. Do you have any more detail? My records show Betty's first child was Hugh (my 3x grandfather born 1822). Looking forward to hearing from you.
On 9 Feb 2009, at 22:04, Keith Whitehead wrote:
Hi Barbara
Sorry for the delay in replying...I found the Betty info on http://www.lan-opc.org.uk/ She was unmarried when she had her child in 1818. Here is the record:
Baptism: 12 Jul 1818 St Michael and All Angels, Croston, Lancashire, England
Jane Whitehead - Daughter of Betty Whitehead, Spinster
Born: 30 May 1818
Abode: Mawdesley
Baptised by: Streyn: Master Rector
Register: Baptisms 1813 - 1827, Page 78, Entry 622
Source: LDS Film 93712
Why I think there is a connection is that there are, to my knowledge, no other Whiteheads in the village. I am assuming that Betty and my Richard were siblings. The other reason for this assumption is that Betty and Richard both had children named Jane. This could indicate their mothers name???
Here is Richard's Jane just a couple of miles away at Rufford. The abode says Croston, but in all other references I have to Richard, his home was Mawdesley.
Baptisms: 25 Feb 1821 St Mary the Virgin, Rufford, Lancashire, England
Jane Whitehead - Dau of Richard Whitehead & Ann
Abode: Croston
Occupation: Weaver
Baptised by: Robt. Pearson
Register: Baptisms 1813 - 1836, Page 49, Entry 388
Source: LDS Film 1526059
I went to these villages on Sunday....very quaint !!!
On 13 Mar 2009, at 09:39, Keith Whitehead wrote:
Hi Barbara
If you remember I e-mailed you a few weeks ago re your Betty Whitehead. I have made some progress as to the Whiteheads. I checked the IGI and found potential evidence for your Betty and my Richard being siblings. There is a Betty (c.1798) and a Richard(c.1800) Whitehead christened in Altcar. This is a stone's throw from Downholland where your Betty originates from. In Richard's case, his parents names (George and Alice) back up this assumption as Richard's children had these names also.
The evidence is circumstantial, but quite strong ....I think !!!!
Hi Barbara
I assume that you have census details for your Betty?? If not I can supply them Richard died before 1851, therefore his place of birth is not on any census.
I have attached screenshots of the IGI records. As you can see, the coincidences would be remarkable if Betty and Richard were NOT siblings !!
they were both married in Croston
They both had children called Jane
they both were christened in Altcar
I think they were siblings, but it is not really proof. Please tell me what you think
On 9 Apr 2009, at 10:45, Keith Whitehead wrote:
Hi Barbara
I went to the Altcar church a couple of weeks ago and it is a very nice place. The thing that astonished me was its isolation. Even in this day and age, the lack of an obvious parishioner base and difficult accessibility makes you wonder how it is still in existence. More so when one considers the the past when they didn't have cars but I suppose they had a stronger belief in God back then which would be sufficient motivation to travel!
Here is the bad news (for your Betty) If you look at the burials for Croston you will find this:
Burial: 1 Aug 1818 St Michael and All Angels, Croston, Lancashire, England
Jane Whitehead -
Age: 8 weeks
Abode: Mawdesley
Buried by: G. Parkin Curate
Register: Burial 1813 - 1833, Page 60, Entry 479
Source: LDS Film 93713
An all too often occurrence in those days, unfortunately.