Once again, many Ainscoughs can be seen buried at Parbold and I think I can place most of them in our tree - most are likely to be descendants of Richard Ainscough (1770-1849) & Elizabeth Livesey (1781-1849), who are themselves buried at St Peter & Paul's RC church, Mawdesley. Richard was a 2nd cousin of my 4x Greatgrandfather Thomas Ainscough 1778-1861, also buried at Mawdesley.
However, there are still a few gravestones that I am unsure about. If anybody can offer any further information or detail on these I would love to hear from you. Again,I am hazarding a guess at most of this but here goes.....please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
H&R Ainscough
Hugh Ainscough d.Oct.12th 1894 age 78 & his wife Susan (Fairclough) Ainscough d.Nov 24th 1923 age 94 + Richard Ainscough d. July 17th 1877 age 59 & his wife Hannah (Liptrot) Ainscough d.9th March 1910 age 82
This is the shrine of Hugh & Richard Ainscough of H&R Ainscough, prosperous corn merchants of Burscough and benefactors of this church in Parbold. Hugh & Susan had 12 children - see blog for detail, but Richard & Hannah had no children.
Hugh & Susan (Fairclough) Ainscough
Hugh Ainscough d. 29th May 1945 aged 86 & wife Maria Ainscough
Hugh was one of the 12 children of Hugh d.1894 & Susan (Fairclough) Ainscough d.1923. He was their 4th child and married Maria. We also know from evidence in photographs that Hugh was a keen cricketer!
Hugh & Susan (Fairclough) Ainscough
Richard son of Hugh and Susan Ainscough b. 1856-d.20th February 1921 age 65
The 2nd child of Hugh & Susan (Fairclough) Ainscough. Im not sure if Richard did marry.
James Ainscough b.25th March 1858 – d.14th March 1933, his wife Mary Helen b. 22nd July 1861 – d.23rd April 1950
& Hugh b. 20th March 1889- d.18th February 1947
Im not sure if this is James, 3rd child of Hugh & Susan (Fairclough) Ainscough, married Mary Helen?? (I have it down as James marrying Lillian Smith and they had a son - Captain Cyril 1893-1915. Hugh mentioned here (1889-1947) is probably the son of James & Mary Helen. Can anybody help me out with this James please?
John Ainscough d.3rd August 1937 age 74 & Martha Teresa Whitwell Ainscough d.30th June 1958 age 90 and their youngest child Paul d.31st May 1989 age 77
The 6th child of Hugh & Susan (Fairclough) Ainscough, married Martha Whitwell. Paul (1911-1989) was the youngest of 6 children.
Thomas Ainscough d.20th November 1927 age 62 & Jane Agnes Ainscough d.23rd April 1947 age 75
The 7th child of Hugh & Susan (Fairclough) Ainscough, married Jane Agnes. Thomas was a professional cricketer, playing for Lancashire - see earlier blog for detail.
Hugh & Susan (Fairclough) Ainscough
Susannah Ainscough b.1867-d.1937 age 70
Francis Ainscough d.27th December 1896 age 21
Joseph Ainscough d.1st March 1902 age 30
These are 3 of the youngest children of Hugh & Susan (Fairclough) Ainscough.
Francis John Ainscough d.24th December 1989 age 87 and his son John Christopher Ainscough d.1974 age 35
Francis John was the eldest of the 6 children of John & Martha (Whitwell) Ainscough
Oswald Ainscough b. 5th December 1906 - d. 16th January 1995 and 2nd wife Mora Catherine Beryl Ainscough b.28th April 1929– d.26th August 2000
Major Oswald was the 4th child of John & Martha (Whitwell) Ainscough - see earlier blog for detail. His 1st wife, Mary Gabriel (Finch) Ainscough (1925-1951)is buried at St Peter & Pauls RC church, Mawdesley.
John Whitwell Ainscough b.1908 - d.27th October 1992 age 84 & Margaret Mary (nee Kevill) Ainscough b.1916-d.18th March 1999
The 5th child of John & Martha (Whitwell) Ainscough.
Martin Ainscough b.1898-d.5th March 1973 age 75 and wife Beatrice Mary b.1897–d.10th December 1992 age 95
On 3 Sep 2007, at 08:31, JOHN COBHAM wrote:
"Martin Ainscough (d1973) was the son of James Ainscough mentioned here. He was a landowner & farmer. Also the main shareholder & chair of Lion Brewery, Blackburn.
In 1963 Martin bought the Croston Hall estate (formerly belonging to the De Trafford family) from the Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool.
Cyril Ainscough was Martin's son & took over the running of the Brewery, He lived at Priorswood Hall, Lees lane. He has a brother Peter who still runs the Parbold farms.
Cyril's widow is still living in Parbold & there are 4 sons & a daughter. Mark Ainscough(2nd son) is a friend of mine.
Peter Ainscoughs son Martin owns several good pubs & restaurants one of which the Eagle & Child is in Bispham Green.
The Croston Hall estate has recently been sold by Mark Ainscough but Martin owns about 300 acres of it including the site of the demolished Croston Hall.
All for now,
Cyril Ainscough b.1925–d. 27th October 1980 age 55
Cyril Ainscough was Martin's son (above), and lived at Priorswood Hall, Lees lane.
Cyril Ainscough (1893-1915)
Inside the church there is a beautiful memorial to Cyril Ainscough (1893-1915). Captain 5th Battalion Manchester regiment died 7th August 1915 at Gallipoli on Active Service. Cyril was my 5th cousin 3 times removed. His parents were James Ainscough (1858-1933), (son of Hugh of H&R) and his mother Lillian Smith. He lived at Fairhurst Hall, Parbold, Lancashire, Commonwealth War Dead. Panel 158 to 170. HELLES MEMORIAL
- see earlier blog for detail.