Dad has passed on the following transcriptions from various documents of Grandad John Nangle (my grandad, father of my mother Margaret Nangle. This certainly helps to paint a fuller picture of the man......if anybody can provide me with information about his parents and grandparents, especially the Irish connections that would be great!
1. Certificate No. P 52848 October, 1930
The Saint John Ambulance Association.
"This is to certify that John Nangle has attended a course of instruction at the Pendlebury Branch of the Assoiciation and has qualified to render "first aid to the injured."
Signatures are not decipherable but are of The Chief Secretary, The Surgeon Instructor and The Surgeon Examiner
2. Coal Mines Act, 1911 - Date 30 April 1949
Certificate under Section 15 (1) (c) as to the eyesight and hearing of a Fireman, Examiner or Deputy
"This is to certify that (a) John Nangle being the holder of a certificate* of qualification as a fireman, examiner or deputy issued to him by the (b) Worsley Technical School and residing at (c) 53 Wellington Road, Swinton was on the (d) ...... duly examined and tested in accordance with the requirements of Test (e) B as described on the back of this certificate and
satisfied (f) Me ** "
(1) that his eyesight is such as to enable him to make accurate tests
for inflammable gas; and
(2) that his hearing is such as to enable him to carry out efficiently the duties of a fireman, examiner or deputy.
Signature (g) J Whitehead (?) M.D. (h) M.B. Ch.B. Carrington House, Pendlebry - Date 30/4/49
* The applicant should be required to produce this certificate
** A certificate of eyesight is not necessary in cases where the applicant
produces a certificate from the manager of his mine that he is employed in a
mine in which inflammable gas is unknown ...
3. Army Release Book Class "A" Nagle, John No. 2084993 - 10th August, 1946
Release Leave Certificate - Private Nangle, John, Depot and Training Establishment Corps of Military Police
Date of last enlistment 12th August 1939
'Release Leave expires on 5 Oct 1946' (rubber stamped) Trade on Enlistment Miner
Service Trade Military Policeman N/T
Military Conduct Exemplary
Testimonial: "A conscientious and steady NCO who has always worked very satisfactorily and who can be relied upon to give of his best at all times. Highly recommended to any employer who requires a hard working man who possesses initiative and a pleasing personality.
Aldershot 10th August, 1946
Signature indecipherable Lt. Colonel Commdt Depot
Signature of Soldier: John Nangle
4. Manchester Collieries Coal Mines Act 1911 - Date 10th September 1946
Certificate of Appointment of Fireman and Shotfirer
Date 10-9-46
"I hereby appoint John Nangle of 53, Wellington Road, Swinton as a Fireman in accordance with the Coal Mines Act 1911, and the General and Special Regulations and Orders made thereunder, and the Regulations of the Mine ..."
Newtown Colliery Signed C. R. Goddard Manager
5. National Coal Board N.W. Division- No.1 Manchester Area- date 19th September 1950
Certificate of Appointment of Fireman and Shotfirer - 19.9.50
"I hereby appoint John Nangle of 53, Wellington Road, Swinton as a Fireman in accordance with the Coal Mines Act 1911, and the General and Special Regulations and Orders made thereunder, and the Regulations of the Mine ..."
Wheatsheaf Colliery Signed ?indecipherable Manager
6. National Coal Board N.W. Division- No.1 Manchester Area
Certificate of Appointment of Fireman and Shotfirer- Date 10th Sept 1951
"I hereby appoint John Nangle of 53, Wellington Road, Swinton as a Fireman in accordance with the Coal Mines Act 1911, and the General and Special Regulations and Orders made thereunder, and the Regulations of the Mine ..."
Newtown Colliery - Signed James Marsh? Manager
7. John L. Francis
17, Longley Avenue, Swinton, Lancashire, Mining and Civil; Engineering Contractor, Mossley Common Colliery
Annual Holidays with Pay Certificate No. 67
'This is to certidy that J. Nangle National Insurance No.... was employed at
the above colliery during the current qualifying period from 27th February 1956 to 21st April 1956. He has received 2 days Annual Holiday Pay in respect of this period."
Signed: Joun L. Francis
From: Fred Kelly []
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 9:14 PM
Subject: The Nangle & Ainscough Family.
I was on a web site and saw this Genealogy thing.
I knew both your Grandparents, If fact I went to school with your uncle Dennis (Nat)Nangle.
Knew your Mum when they lived on Wellington Rd and then they moved to Barton Rd which I believe the photo was taken there.
If I remember correct your Mother was Kathleen, then another sister, Dennis & Terrance
I was born on Swinton Hall Rd, and attended St Mary’s School like your Mum.
I remember your Dad working at the Library.
It was a shock as I was looking up Wheatsheaf Colliery and saw you Family Tree in the group.
We live in Cincinnati Ohio, moved here from Canada in 1980 , Moved UK – Canada 1967
Best Regards
Fred Kelly
Thanks for getting in touch Fred Kelly!
Im sorry if Ive not done so before - mum was called Margaret & sadly she passed away in May 2015.
I hope you and your family are all well.
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