Please note that this is not my line of Ainscough's - our earliest records can be found in Ormskirk Church 1558, Croston and Mawdesley. See earlier blog of January 21st 2007.
Thanks again to Andy Scarisbrick ( making the following information available and accessible to all. The information below represents extracts from St. Cuthbert's, Halsall Parish Church Records from 1695. Again, like Wigan and Ormskirk we can see a strong family presence in the area.
Extracts from St. Cuthbert’s, Halsall Parish Church Records.
2nd June 1695 Maria fa. Hugonis Ascough [Eascow], pauperis
28th August 1698 Emblina fa. Hugonis Ascough, pauperis
18th October 1702 Anna fa. Hugonis Eascough
31st March 1706 Thomas fs. Hugonis Eascough
29th December 1717 Elizabeth d. John Aiscoe
27th March 1720 James s. John Aiscoe
9th September 1722 Ellin d. John Ascough, labourer, & Mary his wife
1st May 1725 Jane fa. John Escough [Eascoe] & Mary ux.
10th July 1737 John s. John Aiscough
20th December 1741 Mary d. John Aiscow [Aiscoe]
29th April 1744 Emblin d. John Aiscough
11th March 1716/7 John Aiscoe [Eascough] & Mary Rotheram, both Halsall
22nd November 1736 John Aiscough [Ainscoe] & Ellin Rymer
20th November 1714 Hugh Aiscoe [Eascough]
4th September 1721 Thomas s. Hugh, deceased, labourer & Mary Aiscoe [Ayscough] his wife
13th July 1726 Anna fa. Mariae Aiscough [Aiscoe] vidua
19th October 1726 Maria Aiscough [Aiscoe], vidua
14th November 1727 Maria ux. Johannis Aiscoe
23rd April 1736 Anne Aiscough [Ainscoe]
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