More about Elizabeth (Ainscough) ANDERTON (1709-1783).........
I contacted Eric Percival via his website about the find of Elizabeth Anderton's gravestone and sent the images by email. Then just the other night a pleasant surprise, I got a reply email from Eric with this attachment - a full 9 pages, scanned in as 3 really does make interesting reading and opens up all sorts of further possibilities for research. It's all a bit like playing a game of Cluedo or trying to solve a giant crossword! Anyway thanks to the fantastic research carried out by EM Hartley she really has made the story come alive! I am also led to believe that EM Hartley has since passed away, but if anybody knows what happened to her resrearch I would certainly like to read it for myself.......
Below are some relevant snippets from her handwritten notes. If you would like to see the full document you can copy it from the following website, simply search for 'EMHartley' as 1 word on my photostream.
Researched by E.M Hartley
Information from: Eric Percival: /
"............Among the family traditions spoken of in my childhood none was more colourful than that of the Andertons. Unlikely as it seemed in a family with strong Methodist connections, we had some Catholic ancestors; Elizabeth Anderton had after the Jocobite rising crossed the Pennines into Yorkshire ( BA comment: in 1715 they joined the Stuart uprising during which Sir Francis Anderton, 6th Bt. (born after 1681) was convicted of high treason, forfeiting the Lostock estate, Lancs - not sure if the Anderton's are directly related??; her brother Thomas as a boy of 10 held the bridles of the horses while his father and uncle fought in the battle; and Elizabeth as an old lady asserted that her mother was a lady born; that her grandfather ‘was a Baron with 3 towns of his own’ and that she was born at Lostock Hall. Now Lostock Hall (near Bolton) was the home of rich, catholic Andertons, the last to live there being Sir Francis Anderton, and so insistent were the Cleggs on this story that granddaughters born in 1912 & 1914 were named ‘Sylvia Francis Lewis’ and ‘Patricia Rosemary Anderton’………………….
The final question was about Elizabeth Anderton’s mother who was a lady born – and here the answer was so obvious when I thought of it that I am astonished that none of us thought of it before.........
Whatever else Elizabeth Anderton’s mother was she was born Elizabeth Ainscough, not Anderton and the grandfather who was perhaps a baron or baronet if he existed at all was Elizabeth Ainscough's father.
Catholic ancestors at that period are harder to sort out but I did in the end identify Hugh Ainscough (in the Croston PR though spelled in a very eccentric manner) and recently got a photocopy of the entry in the papist rolls of 1717 and there he is signing clearly, ‘Hugh Ainscough, Yeoman’.
So where is the baron?!"
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